If your household has a low income or someone in your household receives benefits, then you could be eligible to…
Author: Ricardo Jones
Southern Water Social Tariff
If you are on a low income or receive certain means-tested or other benefits then you may be able to…
Severn Trent Water Social Tariff
If you are in receipt of certain benefits or have a low income, then you could be eligible to sign…
South East Water Social Tariff
If you’re struggling to pay your water bill with South East Water, then you may be eligible for their social…
Everything you need to know about Social Tariffs for your Water
Across the UK there is already a growing number of broadband providers who are offering social broadband tariffs to customers…
United Utilities Social Tariff
If you are on a low income or someone in your household receives a means-tested benefits, then United Utilities may…
Yorkshire Water Social Tariff
If someone in your household receives certain mean-tested benefits or you are a household that has a low income, then…
Northumbrian Water Social Tariff
If you receive certain benefits or you’re on a low income, then Northumbrian water have a social tariff that may…